
Toronto update

I’ve really been enjoying my time here in Toronto. I’m halfway through my twenty hours, and have been meeting some very cool people on the line; people I otherwise would never have met: audio post-production television workers, people from corporate communications, graphic designers, national television producers… the list goes on. Plus, a couple people have asked, “What’s your name? Dan? Dan the blogger?” So that’s kind of neat.

I’ve run into several former colleagues from CBL, and several former classmates from Ryerson. Some were employed this summer by CBC, and others dropped by to say hello and do a couple laps with me.

People ask if I’m back in Toronto for good. “No,” I tell them. “I’m back just for this week, then I’ll go to Windsor for a few days. Then, come September first, I’ll move back to Toronto full-time. I don’t know if you’re heard,” I joke, hoping what I’m about to say isn’t true, “I took a job here as a professional picketer.”

I hope to be on the line for 11:00 today. There’s a “radio meeting” scheduled for then — there’s talk of starting up an “alternative” morning show. Which, I’m delighted, has generated a wonderful dialogue in the comments section of a recent post.

And in an unrelated note, I’m really digging Google Talk (or the iChat support, anyway). I’m dmisener [at] gmail [dot] com if you feel like trying it out.