
My Secret City

In my inbox today, an announcement about “My Secret City,” which is a part of Toronto’s Nuit Blanche “all night contemporary art thing.” It starts at sunset at 7:01 p.m. on September 30 and runs until sunrise at 7:15 a.m. on October 1, 2006.

I’d never heard of this before, and I really like the idea, both of the Nuit Blanche, and of the “My Secret City” component:

Uncover secrets concealed by or revealed within the 20 My Secret City artworks by Toronto artists, many of them the driving forces behind the younger cultural movements in the city. Impromptu community is created by sharing secrets in the public sphere. The city as open forum is a site of revelation, my secret city.

It’s a great idea. Stay up all night, and travel around the city, participating in stuff like this:

Darren O’Donnell, Ballroom Dancing. An all-ages dance party DJ-ed by kids, Ballroom Dancing is a public forum for children and adults to play together all night long in a Community Centre gymnasium filled with thousands of rubber balls.

I can’t wait.