
Hey, Let's Go Do Something

I just got back to Windsor from Toronto, where I spent a few days graduating from Ryerson. I return with a strong desire to get my new podcast/radio show off the ground.

Although I haven’t written about it here before, I mentioned it at the TO podcaster meetup, and the idea made its way onto Tod’s I Love So here’s the basic concept:

A weekly 30-minute radio show and podcast called Hey, Let’s Go Do Something, in which I learn about my new home (Windsor, Ontario) by doing stuff with locals. I pick a local, and they pick the activity. It might be preparing for a yard sale. It might be painting parking spaces at midnight. Who knows?

I’ve met the staff at CJAM, the University of Windsor’s campus/community radio station, and I hope we can talk next week about the possibility of distributing it both online and on-air.

Why is this a good idea? Well, if it works,